Entry Deadline: Sunday 13th October 2024
Competition Times/Dates: 10th November 2024
Rawlins Academy, Quorn, LE12 8DY (Sports Hall)
Competition 1:
(Year born 2020/2019/2018/2017)
Registration from - To Be Confirmed
Approx finish - To Be Confirmed
Competition 2
(Year born 2016/2015/2014/2013 & Older)
Registration from - To Be Confirmed
Approx finish - To Be Confirmed
Please arrive approximately 10 minutes before your registration time to prevent delays.
Spectator fee: £5 on the door (Cash or Cheque)
Children: Under 12 free entry
We will notify how many spectators can attend per child after closing date for Entries
Clothing can just be any sportswear
Girls – Leotard/Leotard and shorts or any sportswear
Boys – leotard/Tshirt/Shorts or any sportswear
For more information on clothing please contact mayesacademy@gmail.com
Thank you